Thursday, October 29, 2015

New parts~

The Car

So today I kinda worked on my car. I rebuilt the interior and put my bumper and fender back on. Geez the nuts were so rusted over. I had to run a tap through them to accept the new bolts, since I lost my old ones. I should have kept  better track of them but oh well, it fits now.
I looked at the brakes that I got though. Wow these brembo rotors are huge. They're just as big as my front brakes. I wonder if I should upgrade my master cylinder first before I put them on.

Hmmm yeah, looking back at it.... I think I'll have to upgrade the front brakes too.

On a brighter note, I tested the speedo again. It works... somewhat. It reads way too fast. Hopefully it works out the kinks soon.


The Car

Why does my car have to be such a piece of crap. It pisses me off so often because it just refuses to work properly. Today I wanted to button up the interior and get it ready to get taken to the shop to get smogged. I put my shifter in and holy crap, the top two bolts are such a pain. I should have just jacked the car up faster but now I know.
I drive a 1990 Nissan 240sx Hatchback, more popularly known by its chassis code, the RPS13. Its my car project that I'm trying to daily drive. Not much a driver now that the registration has expired. Refuses to pass smog. I put a stock catalytic converter on and new diff to take it to get tested then the speedo decided to break on me. Nonstop issues with this piece. Sometimes I wish I did buy an Integra and be done with it.
Anyway, today I tried to put back the shifter that I took out and greased. Shifter feels alot better now but the installation was a bit fiddly at first. So the shifter has six bolts that connects it to the transmission. Four are fairly simple to get to as they're right there in the interior, but two of them are way above the shifter hole. My big hands didn't fit in there real nice but I tried for about half an hour to get them in. Eventually, I got smart and jacked the car up yet again. It was much easier to put them in from under the car.
And since the car's in the air, I might as well double check the speedo right? Such a disappointment. Hopefully I can get some help on Zilvia, tired of buying clusters that don't work.

On a brighter note, I took some pictures of my projects that aren't complete turds. Well, haven't frustrated me much today at least.


First up is my BBQ. Finally finished it and I gotta say its pretty nice. Used it to smoke my ribs last week and they came out pretty good.

This is how it started out:

And here are some random pics of the smaller projects.
This is the wood shelf that I made that I took a picture of earlier.
and this is the speaker system that I made.

Well that's about it for today. Hopefully things go better tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Busy times.this week of October 11th

Finally added all my kits back into my glass case. Though it caused alot more issues for me. Been doing alot of things around the house because of it but its looking pretty good. Here are a couple pictures from my recent projects.

My Collection

Outdoor Speaker System

I wanted some outdoor music so I created this enclosure out of some scrap and and old stereo sitting in the garage. Reduce reuse recycle. I did most of the stuff in the late of night so I don't have man pictures but here are some of my build process.

New Wood Panels
I've meade two of these . One of them is gonna be the for my room so I can put stuff on and one is for my BBQ to be used as cutting boards. I should probably take a picture of those later.

New Flashlight: Craftsman rechargeable work light
This thing rocks. I got it for 17 dollars off of dealgenius and its been pretty worth it. The LED's are super bright and its really ergonomic. 

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Updates and getting back into the game

Hello all who read this.

I moved on to a new hobby of building cars but that got a bit expensive and difficult so I guess I'm getting back into the plastics.

Starting off with this RG GP-01.
First things first, I should figure out what I have

Off an older post and off the top of my head I have the following.

Works in Progress
 7.MG Mk-II 2.0
 2.HG G Bouncer
 5.MG God
 6.MG Strike

 1.Tamiya Acura NSX
 3. G Bouncer
 5.RG Freedom
1.Tamiya Trueno
2.revell Super Hornet
3.R34 UO

 8.PG Red Frame Astray
 3.HG Jesta
4.RG Strike
1.RG Strike
2.RG RX-78-2
 4.HG Titus

Probably have more but I'll update it in the future.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Revell '70 Dodge Challenger TA

Its been a long week full of frustrations and failures. Its good to unwind with some old fashioned model building. Didn't do much this time other than attempt to polish, decal up and take pictures.

Its not perfect but I think it looks pretty good in its own right. Didn't plan that well so some parts have been omitted. Doesn't look half bad though. Not bad for a first car plastic model anyway.

I need to work on my polishing and finishing skills. Was too worried since I sanded down and took some of the paint with it. Sad days. I'll work on my skills until I can make my NSX look godlike ^^

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Challenger WIP Engine, Wheels Suspension.

Man that engine looks good ^^. I finished it off with some new paints. I got some tamiya kits from my local hobby shop, Boss Robot. That place is cool. The guys that work there are pretty chill. Got alot of model done today. Can't say the same for my studies though. Gotta get on that!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Gundam Info Campaign

Oh yeah, I can't believe I actually won something in the Gundam Info Campaign. I actually won two!
I put quite a few in the PG and MG sets so I think I could have distributed my codes better but I'm just too greedy =P
RG Freedom

and RG Justice!

Freedom and Justice! Can't wait until I get them =D