Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Busy times.this week of October 11th

Finally added all my kits back into my glass case. Though it caused alot more issues for me. Been doing alot of things around the house because of it but its looking pretty good. Here are a couple pictures from my recent projects.

My Collection

Outdoor Speaker System

I wanted some outdoor music so I created this enclosure out of some scrap and and old stereo sitting in the garage. Reduce reuse recycle. I did most of the stuff in the late of night so I don't have man pictures but here are some of my build process.

New Wood Panels
I've meade two of these . One of them is gonna be the for my room so I can put stuff on and one is for my BBQ to be used as cutting boards. I should probably take a picture of those later.

New Flashlight: Craftsman rechargeable work light
This thing rocks. I got it for 17 dollars off of dealgenius and its been pretty worth it. The LED's are super bright and its really ergonomic. 

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